
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

14 Days of Love, Day 2

Today I hung a sweet little print I found on someone's blog somewhere out there in blogland.  I've searched until my eyes hurt and I cannot find the original post anywhere.  If you find the original post or it belongs to you, please message me!  I want to give you credit!

I matted and framed the print and decided it needed just a little more.  Hence, the green ribbon as a border.  I hung this in the playroom to remind my littlest one to be sweet to her friends because we love them.

I think I may just keep this print up past Valentine's Day...its just so cute!

I really ♥ those who design prints like this and offer them to us for free!  It gets me crafting and art on the walls without hurting my wallet.

Join me on the 14 Days of Love Challenge!


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