
Monday, April 4, 2011

Spring Cleaning Day 1 - Draperies, Blinds, and Shutters

Anna @ Ask Anna assigned Draperies as Day one's task in the Spring Cleaning event.

How did I know she would choose draperies first?  I had it in my mind that I would paint the front porch shutters since I don't have any draperies that need cleaning.  The curtains I do have I recently made and hung.  (See post here about my sewing adventure!)

Here are my curtains

When I went to get the paint I thought I had in garage for shutters, I decided I no longer wanted that color.  Why?  I don't really know.  I just made that decision then and there.  So, now I have to go get new paint to attack the outdoor shutters...and the front door.  
I did, however, decide to take down the blinds seen in the picture above.  There is no need for them and I really like the sun shining through.  I also cleaned the tiny set of blinds in one of the bathrooms...other than that there are no more blinds. 

Off to start Task 2....Dusting!  I just dusted the fans in my bedroom...but there are oh so many more in this house! 


  1. Great job! Can't wait to see your dusting results. :)


  2. Well done! Your house can become more different and elegant.
