
Monday, April 18, 2011

Spring Wreath...Finally

I finally made it to my wreath!  I posted a while back (check it out here) a roundup of some of my favorite wreaths around blogland.  It took a while, but I was able to finally make mine last week, and got it hung today!
I started with a square piece of cardboard, cut from a box.  I know I took a picture of it, but I think my camera ate the file.  (Actually, I may have not had the memory card in the camera, but the camera ate it is my story and I am sticking to it) Armed with my favorite crafting tool, my handy dandy glue gun, I went to work attaching coffee filters. 

About halfway through, I realized I should have covered the back with something to hide the cardboard.  So I added some pretty paper to the back.
Once the square was covered in coffee filters I went to work on paper flowers. I chose a rolled paper flower, but if you search google images for "paper flowers" you will be overwhelmed by the amount of tutorials!  I went with quick and easy. 

I added some silk leaves I just happened to have on hand from a silk flower arrangement I just completed.  It was still missing a little something, so I decided to add birds.  I am fascinated with all the bird stuff out right now! 

I printed out a template from
Lolly Chops and again went with cardboard as the base.  I then Mod Podged the paper onto the bird...added buttons for eyes, ribbon for tails...and DONE! 

Linked up!
monogramTip Junkie handmade projects
Get Your Craft On Tuesday

1 comment:

  1. Just gorgeous! I love the soft colors and the beautiful flowers you made.
