
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Mr Popper's Penguins: Summer Reading

Our book has arrived!  The movie is out!  And a summer reading plan is set and ready for us to start next week.  In an effort to get J to read and Lil Bug started in her "tot school" activities, I've put together a mini series to go along with Mr Popper's Penguins.  J and I will read through the book together, doing activities and crafts that go along with the chapters....with Lydia tagging along with special age appropriate activities for her as well as letting her help with other crafts.  Not sure how long it will take us, I haven't planned it on a day by day basis.  Its summer...and anything is possible!  However...WE WILL MAKE THROUGH THE BOOK!  I am stating that on the WWW for all the world to see and hold me accountable. 

You'll travel with us as we travel with Mr Popper and his Penguins!  So be on the lookout for posts concerning our penguin adventures! 

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